Iogahn Goete, a German poet once told " Art is a mediator of what cannot be said ". To my mind, as for nature it is very correct. For a long time you can describe autumn leaves colour, shades of summer evening and clear whiteness of fallen snow. But it is much more difficult to express the feelings caused by the magnificence of nature, it's force and beauty. You can hardly speak about these feelings, you can only portray them. Therefore, while painting the picture, I aim first of all to show not just beautiful nature but life in air, space and light environment, the life movement in various very unexpected states of nature. I don't want to impose the viewers my impressions of what I've seen. I do not get them to have the dialogue or exchange reflections. I just open a window in front of them to taste or smell fresh winter air, rotten autumn leaves and to hear the noise of summer cool forest . It is one thing when every day a person watches familiar since childhood nature corners and passes them without paying attention. And quite another thing when people see them through artist's eyes. They open not only the perfection of nature but they open themselves. And they will treat nature with more love and tremor, enjoying its perfection and realising that in the Great Book of a nature only the first pages are read. In represented gallery all pictures are painted with oil on a canvas. At present practically every picture is in private collections. Please contact the artist on in case you have any questions on purchasing pictures or ordering the copy. The brief CV: Romanov Roman was born in 1966 in Siberia in the town of Kemerovo.He finished Kazan Art College in Tatarstan Republic. Later he got a higher technical education. After serving in the Army, where he organized the first exhibition, he worked as an industrial designer and an auto designer. Since 2000 he completely devoted himself to painting only. Exhibitions: 2006. France. Orleans. Vernissage de l' exposition "Romantigue Russe". 2006. France. Ville La Barre de Mont. Fromentine. 2009. The publication of works in the German magazine "Ostwind".